Sunday, April 22, 2012

Chocolate Covered Strawberries

Very, very elegant! This jewels make a big impact for minimal effort.
The key to making these strawberries so special and festive are the tiny little appetizer spoons.

12 medium strawberries, washed & dried
6 cubes Plymouth Pantry almond bark
2 teaspoons  pecan meal

1. Cut almond bard into small pieces. Place in top of a double boiler over medium heat. Do not let the bottom of the top boiler come in  contact with the simmering water.

2. When bark has completely melted, holding strawberry by the stem, dip strawberry bottom two-thirds  of strawberry into melted bark.

3. Place each strawberry into an appetizer spoon; sprinkle with pecan meal and enjoy!

Servings: 12

Calories Per Serving: 46.45

Author: Dr. Jacquelyn P. Horne          Copyright: 2012

Author's Note: This brand of almond bark does contain soy lecithin and is produced in a facility that also hands milk and nut products.

1 comment:

  1. I love it! It's simple and elegant looking. Thank you for sharing this recipe. It's getting more and more easier to find gluten recipes nowadays. I'll be more careful in food handling to also be safe in foodborne Illness. Thank you again.


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