Sunday, October 21, 2012

Fall Decorating Made Simple

Decorating your home for any holiday or occasion says welcome to those who drive as well as those who enter. If you are like me, you don't have the time or manpower to decorate every nook and cranny throughout the house. I like to reuse decorations, use fruits and vegetables for centerpieces and and live plants that can go directly into the yard when their blooms have faded.

Let me show you a few things I did to spruce up our home for several gatherings.

I bought a couple of rolls of mess wire ribbon, half in orange and half in red. By combining these two, you get a coppery affect in the sunlight. I tired a simple bow around each of the four light fixtures along our fence. I put corn stalks by each side of the door and used a plaid ribbon in fall colors to secure.

I also use my stacked pumpkins year after year, and again, I change the silk flowers ear year. Sometimes, I wrap them with grapevine.  Crotons are also a natural for fall. We have two that we have had for about 12 years or so. They spend their summers out doors and their winters inside. I put my mother's hand painted scarecrow in one.
Now, come inside with me. Take the arrangement in my foyer. A basket lined with a fall print holds a silk arrangement. I use this every year, just changing out spent flowers with new one.

This is a super simple trick. Use fresh fruit and dried fall leaves for a super simple decorations. You want to know the best thing about decorating like this? You don't have to store anything. You toss the leaves and eat the fruit.

On my mantel in the living room is a ceramic pumpkin holding court between two Armani sculptures, flanked by two Weller candle sticks.

I also set pots of mums in fall baskets with the dirt covered with shred. 

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